Channel Chat

Update: Assign Labour Appeal Court Judgment Indgro Multi Service Group™, a Value-Added Service Provider (VASP) is committed to constantly revising its Product- Service offering, methods, processes and relationships in order to remain at the forefront of the industry. The solution (unique product service offering) Indgro Multi Service Group™ have designed a unique Product- Service offering…


The Managing Director

Guillaumé Marais- Managing Director Indgro Outsourcing (PTY) LTD, Trading as Indgro Multi Services Group™ I will apply the same below.

A word from the Managing Director: Every successful Business Leader must have an intentional purpose. Clarity of purpose, simplifying the end result by allowing stakeholders to understand and share the vision, their “why” and overall contribution into this journey. When all these elements come together and ignites, it is like putting rocket fuel in an engine.


Minimum Salary Tabled

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 PROPOSED MINIMUM WAGE As per our previous  communication,  we at Indgro Multi  Service  Group  pride ourselves on  the quality of  Products  and  Services  we  provide  to  our  values  Clients. We therefore deem it necessary to pre-empt the following: On Sunday, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the proposal of a National Minimum…


Family Funeral Plans

Thursday, 20 July 2017. VOLUNTARY FAMILY FUNERAL PLANS FOR TEMPORARY AND OR CONTRACT EMPLOYEES (ASSIGNEES) Think about it… If you are the sole breadwinner then your salary pays for rent, groceries, utilities, travel costs, school fees, clothes – the list is endless. One day, you might not be here anymore. Not only will your family…
